Making Friends & Finding Family

 April 2017

Dear Friends & Family,

Growing up I never met another “Scudder” outside of my immediate family. It wasn’t until I had gone off in the Army that I bumped into my first new “Scudder”, a River Boat Pilot, in Saigon. It was a first time for both of us.  What were the odds? So, imagine my surprise when, as Communications Director for the Association, I searched Linkedin for the name Scudder and came up with over 2,200 hits.

\"ScuddersDuring the last 7 weeks, I have been sending invites to “connect\” with the first 400 Scudders on the list. I am happy to report that over 200 have responded. This mailing is going out to our new Linkedin friends, as well as, current and former members to encourage you all to do three things.


  1. Join our Group in Linkedin:
  2. Join our Group in Facebook:
  3. And most importantly, join the Scudder Association:

\"\"It is our hope that as we extend our reach via social media and emails*, we may, soon, connect with all of our “lost” cousins.This is an exciting time to be a Scudder.  The Association was founded on supporting the good work of Scudders gone before us.  As a Scudder descendant, you have a right to be proud of what our family has accomplished. In its day, the Association grew to become a formidable philanthropy by using post cards, periodic newsletters, lots of postage stamps and a generous portion of love.

Just think what can be done with the technology at our disposal today.  I agree with Robert Browning, “The best is yet to be.”; and with the help of the 2,200 Scudders out there, it will be.

I look forward to contacting the \”other\” remaining 2,000 Scudders.  In the meantime, I urge those of you receiving this to forward it along to your own friends** and family.

William S. Scudder
Communications Chair
The Scudder Association

* Of course, if you prefer staying lost, please let us know and we will delete your name from our mailings.
** Several of you receiving this email may be personal Linkedin connections rather than Scudder connections. We\’re still working on parsing the data base. In the meantime make yourself at home, you don’t have to be a Scudder to help out.

Keep in touch


Author: SAF

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