Imagine being 25 years old with a young bride and departing from Boston\’s Fulton Dock on the 8th day of June, 1818. John Scudder began a four (4) month journey to Calcutta, and on to Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). The rest is history as they say.
A trip is being arranged to travel to India in January, of 2019 to celebrate the 200th Anniversary to the start of our story. The weather in Southern India in December and January is delightful. We want to hear from all of you who would like more information about what we might see and what the approximate costs will be.
To get an idea of the costs here is a preliminary itinerary link
Most trips to India allow for little or no choice or change from a set itinerary. Our trip will allow travellers to see central India, often referred to as \”The Golden Triangle\” and then to fly south to Chennai.
After an overnight, we will travel 140 KM (2.5 hours) by coach to Vellore. We are planning on spending 3 days on the campus of the world-renown and enormous Christian Medical Center and College. 2.5 million outpatient visits in 2014-2015, 2858 beds.
We will witness the amazing advancements being made at the Scudder Memorial Hospital a short 30 minutes to the east. For contrast, in Vellore we can also visit the Golden Temple and/or walk the entire history of India within the walls of the Vellore Fort.
The preliminary itinerary provides information to those of you who would also like to see what was started in 1900 with a trip to the world-renown and enormous Christian Medical Center, Hospital and College in Vellore and to Scudder Memorial Hospital started earlier by Silas Scudder, in 1866.
The itinerary is by no means set. However, please review it in detail. Notice the costs which are listed on page 9,vary somewhat with the number of people travelling. Not included; is the round trip air from New York (JFK) to India…JFK to Delhi and Cochin to JFK is approximately $900.00 additional ($843.00 on Air Emirates with a stop in Dubai). I think that these prices for 4 and 5 star hotels for 13 nights, air travel from Jaipur to Chennai and from Chennai to Cochin, many meals, tours. guides. and ground transportaition are fantastic.
Because several of you have been to India. and have seen Dehli, Agra, and Jaipur, a shorter trip will be arranged where you can join up with the group in Chennai. In addition. should you wish to extend your trip to Sri Lanka, Mumbai, Goa, Nepal or wherever, that can be arranged. Right now, I just want to get the word out and to get an idea of how many are interested.
We already have approximately ten to fifteen people interested. No committment will be requested until early Fall, 2018, after the Boston Reunion. Please contact me at: or by phone at (860) 916-3286 . I will update you on the latest plans and keep you updated .
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