The Scudder Association Foundation members who traveled to Vellore for the 200th year centennial of Dr John and Harriet Scudder\’s mission work in India and Sri Lanka met with author Reene George. \’She took us on a tour of the central parts of the campus which were quite idyllic in some places, with wonderful formal gardens surrounding a pond.\’ quote by Charles S.K. Scudder – Foundation President.
Reena George MD, DNB (Radiation Oncology) is Professor and Head of the Palliative Care and in-charge of the archives at the Christian Medical College. An alumna of CMC Vellore and The Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls School, Jaipur, she is the founding editor of the online Indian Journal of Palliative Care.
We were able to get a limited number of copies of this newly released book. The book currently is available in India only via India Amazon.