CMC Vellore Update – May 8, 2021

CMC Vellore Update – May 8, 2021


We\’d like to share with our Foundation members the most recent update from Vellore CMC


Dear Members of the Foundation Board,

Having just completed a zoom conference with JV Peter, Chandra Singh and others, I am compelled to share with you that the Supreme Court of India just hours ago appointed a 12-person team to provide the guidance needed to help resolve the current healthcare crisis in their country.

Two of twelve people assigned to this task force were from CMC – Drs. Cherry Kang and JV Peter.  Impressive!

As an update, sadly I must share with you that the conditions in Vellore continue to worsen. The # of COVID patients being treated per week now exceeds 1,500 (this is double the # of patients from the fist wave in 2020) and is still increasing. CMC has decided to now increase its ICU capacity from 25 to 50 beds – they will soon open a 24-bed ICU in Kannigapuram, while expand ICU capacity at the main hospital by 24. Currently, there are 90 ICU at the main hospital and a 42 person waiting list to be assigned to one.

CMC is spending an extraordinary amount of money on PPE each week, but the good news is that I can confirm that there has been no loss of life (since the beginning of the pandemic) amongst CMC’s healthcare workers.

Based on the equipment needs provided to us yesterday, CMC is now in need of over $2 million to meet its equipment purchasing requirements alone. Thus far, we have raised just under $350,000. WE are in discussion with some prospective donors that could bring this amount to $500,000.  We are also being approached by our friends from the medical community – Boston Children’s and Montefiore Med Center in particular – with offers of in-kind contributions (medical equipment and supplies).  I have spoken with representatives from Air India (here in NY) and they are willing to provide free air shipment to Chennai on our behalf. I don’t know how long this offer will last, but it’s there for the moment.

As I hope is apparent, CMC is in dire need of our support.  If I may, I would like to ask that you please consider reaching out to family and friends who may have a relationship of some kind with CMC to share with them the seriousness of the situation at this moment. The peak of this crisis is still weeks away. Thank you for your kind consideration.

With much appreciation and my fondest regards,


Your help is still needed more than ever

As John Riehl, suggests, we too encourage you to continue to reach out to friends and family to urge them to support our effort to financially support our family founded hospitals in India. Thank you.

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William Scudder
Author: William Scudder

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