The Scudder family members who are in Vellore and Ranipet, India this week for the Bicentennial Year celebration of Scudders in India, attended a dinner hosted by Dr. Thomas Samuel Ram and his family. Dr Ram is Professor and Head of the Radiation Oncology Unit 1 at the Ida B. Scudder Cancer Christian Medical College (CMC) in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Charles S.K. Scudder – President of The Scudder Association Foundation, sent this thank you to Dr Ram and his family.
\”Many thanks to you and your wife for hosting our family contingent. We also enjoyed meeting your father and have him give the blessing for the dinner. It was also wonderful to make the acquaintance of your lovely and obviously very talented daughter. The food was exceptional and was only matched by the fascinating conversation with you about the history and workings of CMC.\”
These traveling Scudders will be in India visiting CMC and Scudder Memorial Hospital through January 31st.
Check back often for updates on their experiences.