“What Goes Round, Comes Round,” Again. History Repeats Itself As The Scudder Foundation Launches a Maternity 2.0 Campaign
By William S. Scudder – Communications Chair
© Scudder Association Foundation, All rights reserved
After Ida Scudder bore witness to the deaths of three expectant mothers in 1894, she determined, “I could not bear to think of these young girls as dead…I must go home and study medicine and come back to India to help such women.”
On her return, Dr. Ida Scudder began a professional journey that would touch tens of thousands of patients and impact millions of lives.
The same urgent need continues today, it is merely more remote.
The expectant mothers in the Vellore\’s neighboring Jawadhi Hills, often give birth in an unsafe environment. Following delivery their children lack adequate postnatal care and immunizations.
CMC is carrying forward Ida’s vision of bringing health care to the people by providing a maternity clinic in the Jawadhi Hills.
Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore is committed to establishing a 24-hour hospital in Veerapanoor Village, which will provide natural childbirth deliveries, as well as obstetric & neonatal intensive care, and maternal-child healthcare training.
To that end, CMC Vellore has begun an ambitious fundraising $500,000 initiative for a permanent maternity hospital clinic.
CMC Vellore Maternity Clinic Visit
After recent visits the Jawadhi Hills, Scudder Foundation board members Jack Gillmar and Jim Taylor have developed a great passion for this campaign, which they hope to share with you.
So it is with great pride that the Scudder Association Foundation is announcing a Taylor/Gillmar – Challenge Grant Campaign, to support our Aunt Ida\’s original mission of providing quality maternity care to those unable to receive it.
Jawadhi Hill\’s CMC Vellore Maternity Clinic Examination
They are providing a generous 2 – to – 1 matching offer that will match 2 dollars for every dollar you give – they will give up to $40,000. Your one dollar becomes three. One hundred percent, of the $60,000 of total donations will go directly to the Jawadhi Hills Maternity Hospital program.
Thus enabling us to continue our long tradition of \”Service to Others\” and, further fulfilling two of Aunt Ida’s greatest passions: “high quality maternal health” and “an outreach to those in greatest need.\” This new maternity hospital will continue Aunt Ida\’s remarkable legacy well into the 21st Century. It will also demonstrate that the Scudder tradition of service to others, continues to \”Repeat Itself.\”
This is a unique opportunity as a Scudder Association Foundation Member, to stand-up and be counted, \”again\”. It is our hope we may announce to our friends in Vellore, that the Scudders continue to be of service.
The 2–for–1 Matching Gift Campaign:
Your participation cannot be simpler OR MORE MEANINGFUL – please click here and keep century old tradition alive.
Your donation is secure and is tax deductible. Once you choose to donate, you will receive an email acknowledgement of your gift.