Who says you can’t go home again?

In spite of Thomas Wolfe’s assertion, Dr. James Taylor, his wife, Dr. Susan Taylor and his daughter Allison, a 4th year medical student returned to India where they continued a nearly 200 year tradition of fostering medical care. Dr.James Taylor, serves on the Boards of both the CMC Vellore and the Scudder Association.

Postcards from Vellore

Dr. Anna Pulimood of CMC Vellore, greets the Taylor family, direct descendants of Dr. John Scudder

Susan Taylor MD MPH, representing Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), and Anna Pulimood MD, Principal CMC Vellore, sign a memorandum of understanding between the two institutions, formalizing their collaboration in education, research and patient care.

During a week long stay, Dr. Taylor met with multiple faculty members to explore specific areas for joint effort. Most promising at present are in Radiation Oncology, Neurosurgery, and Dermatology. She hopes to promote exchanges for medical students, residents and junior faculty. Accompanying the Taylor family were, Radiation Oncology resident Somu Supiah and junior faculty Mac Longo from MCW traveled to CMC Vellore to learn about CMC’s approach to providing high quality healthcare in a resource challenged setting.

Allison Taylor visits the CMC Jawahdi Hills Project. She spent January rotating through CMC’s Infectious Disease, Intensive Care and Low Cost Effective Care Clinics

As we prepare to celebrate our bicentennial of service to others, we at the Scudder Association applaud the Taylor Family for keeping the spirit of Dr. John Scudder alive and well.

William Scudder
Author: William Scudder

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