Scudder Memorial Hospital celebrated its Sesquicentennial on September 3rd and the founder\’s great-great grandson, Dr. James H. Taylor was in attendance. James has been a active supporter at SMH and was invited as one of the keynote speakers at the celebration.
James was kind enough to write us and send back photographs along with an overview of the activities.
I am back from a very brief, but useful trip to SMH. Please find attached a photo of Anbu, En Young from RCA and myself in front of the now dedicated and opened physician quarters. It will house 6 physician couples; an impressive structure for the price.
Anbu Rao has sent with me a gift of the Souvenir Book for each of you. I have a shipping address for Richard, but will need that information for Rob and Bill. When it arrives, please devote some time to go through the book. It contains a wealth of information about the history and current status of SMH. You can also get a feel for the hospital\’s excellent relationship with the important governmental, business, religious and educational institutions in the area. Those relationships were placed in high relief by the active involvement of representatives in the Sesquicentennial.
As we sat down for the main event Saturday morning, I was surprised opening the Program, to find myself listed for the keynote address.
Fortunately, I was well down on a list of long winded speakers, so I had plenty of time to prepare a few remarks. We were outside in 90-95 degrees, so I suspect the crowd of about 700 appreciated brevity on my part.
The formal proceedings were followed by lunch for 700. Mutton biryani, served on banana leaves, eaten with the fingers (I am getting better). It was an impressive display of efficiency, feeding such a crowd.
Below is a copy of Dr. Taylor\’s Sesquicentennial Message from the souvenir program book.