You may recall we sent you this email back in April, 2017.
It was our intention at the time to roll out an ambitious membership campaign via the Internet and Social Media to a portion of the Scudders discovered in Linkedin . However due to limited, digital and administrative resources, as well as, the tragic untimely passing of our resident Genealogist, we have had to defer our membership rollout.
We are happy to report by way of this notice that our IT Chair, Richard Scudder, has done a yeomen’s job of scaling up our digital network system and it is now possible to reach out and accommodate the vast and far-flung eligible Scudder cousins we have world-wide.
To that end, we submit to you 7 reasons to join the Scudder Association:
1. You’re a Scudder.
2. The Scudder’s have a rich and proud tradition of service to others and we could use your help.
3. We enjoy one another’s company and believe in the adage, “The more the merrier.”
4. You have some extraordinary relatives that you may not have heard but have played an important role in both American and world history. Join us and learn who they are.
5. As a Scudder, it is likely that you and your family continue the Scudder tradition of having an impact on your community, country and the world – Join us and share those accomplishments with us.
6. It’s easy, simple and painless.
7. We need your help. (Just noticed we repeated, \”We need your help\”, but it warrants repeating.)
So that’s 6 good reasons. There are many more but we need to keep this short and sweet. To learn more I urge you to go to our Membership page.
It is the first step in rekindling a long and proud family tradition.
We look forward to having you back in the family. Speaking of family; one last thing. . .
Rally With Us At Our Annual Reunion And Celebrate 200 Years Of Service At The Nantasket Beach Resort Hotel,
Nantasket, Massachusetts – October 12th &13th, 2018
We urge you and your family to become a part of one of America’s oldest philanthropic organizations.